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Data Analysis with R Programming

Duration Time 7 Jan
Level begin

The Professional Development Center (PDC) in collaboration with the Department of Economics and Finance is organizing a Two Days hands-on Workshop on Data Analysis with R, a programming language used for statistical programming and graphics. The workshop is scheduled on 07-08 January 2023 in B&T Lab, FUSST, RWP. By the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

- Examine the benefits of using the R programming language.

- Discover how to use RStudio to apply R to your analysis.

- Explore the fundamental concepts associated with programming in R.

- Explore the contents and components of R packages, including the Tidyverse package.

- Gain an understanding of data frames and their use in R.

- Discover the options for generating visualizations in R.

- Learn about R Markdown for documenting R programming.


Note: The workshop registration deadline is 5th January 2023. You can register online through the following link: 
