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Controller Exam



Controller Examination, FUI

051-5789511 Ext:149


The Controller of Examinations will be responsible for:-

  • Safe custody of University Seal.
  • Create an effective, functional organization for the examination department assigning responsibilities and delegate functions/authority as considered best for smooth running of the examination branch.
  • Create facilities for effective discharge of assigned responsibilities and implementation of procedures and rules pertaining to various examinations of both campuses.
  • Train and mobilize assigned human resources and create an effective computer-based data management and information management system in respect of the functions of students’ course registrations, result compilation, issue of transcripts and migration certificates and degrees.
  • Develop and maintain a good working relationship with the examination coordination cells of constituent institutions in order to effectively deal with day-to-day matters pertaining to course registration of students, conduct of examinations and compilation of results.
  • Assist University officers in their functions pertaining to inspections of constituent campuses.
  • Issue Grade Cards and final transcripts in respect of the students of campuses.
  • Direct Deputy and Assistant Controller Examinations in carrying out Examination Inspection of all examinations conducted in both campuses.
  • Process individual and plural cases for issue of degrees with the campuses.
  • Assist university management in prosecution of students’ legal affairs.
  • Process individual claims for settlement of remuneration of the internal/external examinations of campuses.
  • Assist university officers in developing and establishing systems, procedures and measurable performance indicators.
  • Keep the Constituent Colleges abreast of the latest trends being followed in Institutions of higher learning.
  • Maintain a data bank of questions for Entrance Semester/Annual Examinations.
  • Moderation of various question papers for all University Examinations.
  • Maintain data bank of examination Supervisors/Paper Setters.
  • Ensuring issue of proper SOPs for holding of exams, results etc.